Radiography is one of the main diagnostic imaging procedures used in lameness investigation and investigations of any bone related disorders. It is also often used as a part of pre-purchase examinations as a screening tool for any joint disorders that could results in future lameness of the horse. We also use it to take images of the feet that are then passed onto farriers to assist them with trimming & shoeing of the horse.
Our equine practice possesses a latest state-of-the-art mobile digital radiography system, which allows us to x-ray your horse at your own yard. Digital technology means that higher resolution images can be produced with lower exposure doses than conventional radiography. Using advanced technology images are captured on specialised plates. These then transfer images to a computer, where the image can be viewed within seconds. All images are stored electronically.
We provide radiographic services for the following reasons:
1. As a part of lameness investigations
2. For the farriers to assist them with the best trimming & shoeing of your horse
3. For the pre-purchase examination or for insurance purposes (images can be acquired for the potential purchaser or seller, and can be emailed directly to your vet or insurance company). We always strive to obtain high quality, diagnostic views and this takes time, patience and experience – and we are dedicated to this. The cost of these depends on number of images requested (views recommended will differ depending on use of the horse, age, chosen insurers & price). Cost of the packages are:
Set of <10 images: £240 11-20 images: £340 21-30 images: £440 31-40 images: £540
We also offer interpretation of radiographs acquired by different vets (for example if you’re contemplating purchase of a horse from abroad or would like second opinion). Cost of this is £60 if you require written report or £30 if verbal interpratation only is required.
If you require any furhter information about radiography or would like to have your horse x-rayed, please contact us on 01304 364648.